First Tasks Company

Our Solutions

Experience Peace of Mind

Video Surveillance Systems

FTCO’s Video Surveillance Systems offer cutting-edge solutions to enhance security and monitoring capabilities. Our systems provide real-time video surveillance, ensuring a comprehensive view of your premises. With advanced features such as motion detection and remote access, our Video Surveillance Systems empower businesses to safeguard assets and maintain a secure environment. Trust FTCO for state-of-the-art video surveillance tailored to your specific needs.

Public Address Voice Alarms

FTCO’s Public Address Voice Alarms (PAVA) service ensures effective communication and emergency management in public spaces. Our PAVA systems are designed for clear, intelligible announcements during critical situations, enhancing public safety. With cutting-edge technology, we provide tailored solutions for facilities, buildings, and public areas, prioritizing reliability and rapid response. Count on FTCO for comprehensive PAVA services that prioritize safety and communication excellence.

Fire Alarm Systems

Our comprehensive range of alarm systems ensures meeting the precise functional demands of every installation type. Our products seamlessly blend
design, reliability, and functionality, offering protection for spaces that seek a harmonious blend of security and aesthetics. Our products and solutions are versatile, catering to various installations such
as offices, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, university campuses, residential
buildings, and more.

Access Control Systems (ACS)

FTCO’s Access Control Systems redefine security by providing robust control over entry points. Our advanced systems offer secure and efficient access management, incorporating biometric recognition and smart card technology. From restricting unauthorized entry to monitoring access logs, FTCO’s Access Control Systems ensure a safe environment tailored to your specific security requirements. Choose our solutions for comprehensive access control and peace of mind.

IP Telephony System

FTCO’s IP Telephony Systems revolutionize communication for businesses, offering a seamless and cost-effective solution. Our systems leverage the power of IP technology, providing crystal-clear voice communication, unified messaging, and scalable options. With features like video conferencing and mobile integration, FTCO’s IP Telephony Systems enhance collaboration and connectivity, ensuring your organization stays at the forefront of modern communication technology.

Network Infrastructure Systems

FTCO’s Network Infrastructure Systems establish a robust foundation for seamless connectivity and efficient data management. We design and implement scalable, high-performance network solutions tailored to your business needs. Our comprehensive approach ensures reliable communication, optimal data flow, and the flexibility to adapt to evolving technological demands. Count on FTCO to build a resilient network infrastructure that supports your business growth and connectivity requirements.

Cabling Systems

FTCO’s Cabling Systems are the backbone of seamless connectivity, designed to optimize communication infrastructure. Our expertly installed cabling solutions ensure reliable and efficient data transmission, supporting the technological needs of businesses. With a focus on scalability and performance, FTCO delivers tailored cabling systems that form the foundation for robust and high-performing networks, setting the stage for uninterrupted connectivity in any environment.

Why Partner With Us

Choosing the right partner for your Video Surveillance Systems, Network Infrastructure, Access Control Systems, Public Address Voice Alarms, Cabling, and IP Telephony needs is paramount to the success and security of your business. At FTCO, we offer a multitude of reasons why partnering with us brings unparalleled advantages.


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